Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Giving Thanks~Day 30

This has been an incredible journey of searching and acknowledging the things that I am grateful for. Now of course there are many more things that I did not mention during my 30 days of Thanksgiving, but I do thank God for them.

My last day I wanted to share something that is very dear to me. Last year I felt a tug from the Lord to start mentoring teenage girls. At first I thought it was the younger ones that are still new at the whole independent thing, but God had a different plan. He wanted me to be with the ones that were at the age of when I had my rebellion. I had some pretty tough years in high school and made some pretty poor decisions to say the least, so why God was calling me there, I was not exactly sure.

I dove in with faith knowing that He had a purpose even if I didn't see it at the moment. I help co lead about 7-8 girls weekly at something our church calls ABS. It is a weekly bible study where we get together and dive into God's word. Verse by verse. This year we are focusing on the book of Romans. I can't believe that we are almost half way through our year already. I have met some pretty amazing ladies that have captured a piece of my heart. I feel truly blessed to be apart of their lives in hopes to give them a perspective on God that may be a little radical. I know God designed me to outspoken and this gives me a way to speak into their lives about my struggles and hopefully guide them down a path that will honor the Lord.

Tonight we enjoyed a pajama night while watching Soul Surfer and eating popcorn and Twizzlers. A great time to fellowship with them and make great memories.

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