Monday, January 23, 2012

Week End Weigh In

Week End Weigh In!! So it has been another week of my journey for a healthy life! It has not been easy , but I am continuing this with determination and prayers! Lots and lots of prayers. My aunt was just sending me some pictures of us from over 10 years ago! I can't believe the change that has occurred! Well my desire is to be closer to where I used to be. Except with healthier food choices. This was when you ate whatever and gained nothing!

Funny I thought I would always look like this :)

I have stayed on the 1500 intake and added some exercising like I was shooting for. I began training for a 5K that I have been wanting to accomplish for about 2 years now. I am using the couch to 5K app on my iPhone. It helps you progress your running by doing intervals of walking and running for a course of 8 weeks. I do this every other day. I ran four days this week.
I did lose four more pounds and I am hopeful to lose more weight this week. My plan is to check in with you each Sunday to track this journey! I appreciate everyone's support and I truly hope by my honesty you too will be encouraged.

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